Further Reading

Saturday 27 July 2019

A Change Is On The Cards

After The End Of Days
Another month has rolled by, very quickly. There are 4 days of July 2019 left before we enter the 8th month of August. That makes us over half way. The last three months have been an incredible blur ... 

... and we are now passengers in a reality that is no longer the same as it was at the turn of 2019. It's dramatically changed, and its not for the better. We have a little over 4 months before the milestone of 2020 arrives.

And the good news is, the awakening is upon mankind and it is waking from its slumber. The domino effect/hundredth monkey syndrome appears to be working as the new information relating to the exposing of truth is being written into the Akashic cloud ... and awareness of the corruption, a large percentage of the human population is facing, is being exposed.

A wariness is required at this time not to be drawn into, or sold by, the deceitful campaigns appertaining to human-caused global warming/climate change. It is a major con to capture human souls in the intended slavery by the very insecure crazies who firmly believe they rule the world.

The dangers of 5G and A.I are now being realised; even though it might now be too late, the akashic cloud has the wariness very much uploaded into it.

Chemtrails, weather modification and sun dimming are topics that a huge sway of the populace are now actively concerned about. Becoming aware of the dangers of issues enables a change to be made to the world vibration; which helps the stop the push by the crazies to turn this earth into a realm devoid of human life.

The invisible enemy, for most. is being opposed by so many of the human collective now. And there are heaps of other dangers, not mentioned here, that are being substantially opposed enabling a different human perspective about our existence, to be created.

A rebellion is occurring and the snowball is beginning to role. The crazies will try to stop us, but they are like paper to a waves now crashing on the shoreline. They will lose out in the end. But only if we keep plugging away at every single aspect of this physical realm. The more lies and deceptions exposed, the more the stones at the bottom of the pyramid are loosened. Until one day they will be pulled out and the pyramid will crash to the ground. That day will come. However, the global crazies are very much under the influence of a non-human entity ... an entity that has been very patient for thousands of human years.

Its victory is now a handful of years away. It will not relinquish its prize that easily. If cornered it may turn to absolute obliteration by advanced nuclear weapons. Like it has done before elsewhere and in our local universe. We must tread with silent stealth methodically. That way we can prevent the even horizon it is so desperate for us to reach.