Further Reading

Tuesday 16 July 2019

Choosing Between Blissful Ignorance Or Being Awake

The easiest thing to do would be to bury our heads in the sand, go about our daily lives, and ignore the strangeness that is taking place at this time.

We could put our blinkers on, not look up in the sky to avoid the chemtrails and the strange sun that is up there. We could adopt the perception that its all conspiracy theories, and there is not a depopulation agenda going on at this time.

It would be ever so easy to fall for the climate change hysteria and be panicked into wanting to reduce our carbon footprint; letting the anxiety lead us back into the stone age, which is what the crazy globalists want to happen.

We could then fall back into the cosmic accident theory, and accept we are the only intelligent life amongst the billions of stars out in the apparent night sky. Combined with this would be an acceptance this is our only life; that is isn't a virtual reality and that artificial intelligence is a good thing.

We would then have to agree that 5G isn't the lethal weaponry claimed by all the researchers and that vaccines are totally safe!

In truth it is not that easy to change perceptions to permit all those changes in our life; not when we know 100% something sinister is going on at this moment in time. There are too many strange things happening for there not to be something dangerous afoot. We especially feel sorry for those out there who still have their blinkers on; who have not yet awakened to the alarming truths. Choosing between being blissfully unaware and being awakened is a bit like two explorers wandering across frozen wastes and encountering a polar bear; we would be the explorer who would run a mile; we'd not be the one trying to stroke the polar bear. Get our drift??