Further Reading

Wednesday 31 July 2019

EMFs linked to MASSIVE decline in global health

[David Icke]: The topic of electromagnetic field (EMF) dangers has been the subject of great debate over the years, but never has it seemed more pressing than now, as we face the transition into high-tech 5G technology.

With smart home devices and utility meters becoming part and parcel of our daily lives, the potential for harm is significant – and EMFs have already been linked to a massive decline in global health.

First, many people will argue that the sun naturally emits some EMFs, but our exposure to artificial EMFs has reached unprecedented heights. Low-frequency EMF radiation, which encompasses that given off by smart meters, cell phones, Bluetooth, power lines, MRIs, and microwaves, has been listed as a class 2B probable carcinogen by the International Agency for Research on Cancer – right alongside indisputable dangers like lead and DDT.

It’s not just cancer that we need to worry about however, as people can experience a host of unpleasant symptoms after prolonged exposure. It’s more than a coincidence that so many people experience these problems just as technology takes over our lives...read more>>>...