Is it for real? For example, UK current population is 66 million and prediction for 2025, the population is 15 million. A reduction of 51 million in the next 6 years???
Then the population of USA being reduced from 327 million down to 100 million by 2025. That's 227 million in the next 6 years???
Another WTF!!!
So, if these figures are correct, how or what is going to be used to MURDER such a large sway of world populations?
So, it will be extremely easy for the sinister entities behind the 5G to wipe out such a sway of human beings in such a short space of time.
And who or what is behind it ...??? A race of Sentient Artificial Intelligence which has systematically infiltrated mankind's society. A predator intelligence programmed to kill. Either to terrraform the planet for itself, or more likely for whatever has programmed it to infiltrate mankind's existence so easily.
SO, basically, it is likely that the bulk of you reading this, and ourselves, will not be on planet earth by 2025. We are likely to have died horribly sinister and painful deaths. Cancer or worse. We are not going to be very well as this process goes on and on.
And for those who are spared this genocide? They will be pencilled in for smart city control like China; plus pencilled in for transhumanism. No doubt merged with the predator intelligence to be subject to its total dominion.
Faced with the choice.... let me perish before 2025, please.