Further Reading

Thursday 18 July 2019

Exposing the 5G Surveillance Grid

[Humans are Free]: As you may have heard by now, telecom companies are currently scrambling to implement fifth generation cellular network technology. Dubbed "5G," these networks will make use of millimetre-length electromagnetic waves, also dubbed Extremely High Frequency, or EHF radiation to transmit information faster than ever before.

5G networks promise to deliver data 100 times faster than the existing 4G networks, and reduce latency as much as 98%.

5G will connect the internet of everything. If something can be connected, it will be connected in the 5G world. But with the predictions of hundreds of billions of microchips connected in products from pill bottles to plant waterers, you can be sure of only one thing:

The biggest Internet of Things application has yet to be imagined. [...] Here's the key: The interconnected world that we live in today is the result of decisions made a decade ago the interconnected world of the future will be the result of decisions we must make today and that is why 5G is a national priority."

But after the initial surge of hype that surrounds any new technology, the dark reality of this new 5G-connected "Internet of Things" is starting to come to light. The most immediately apparent aspect of this dark reality is the danger to human health that the 5G network's ubiquitous and powerful transmitters present.

As an increasing body of research shows, the harmful effects of electromagnetic radiation present in current mobile technologies will be amplified by orders of magnitude in the much more powerful (and much denser) Extremely High Frequency radiation network that 5G relies on.

But another, even more neglected aspect of the 5G dark reality is that in a world where all objects are wired and constantly communicating data to one another through a 5G network — an "Internet of Things," (IoT) in other words — privacy and security would be next to impossible.

Even the mainstream is now admitting that the unprecedented amounts of data flowing through the 5G network — from appliance usage to personal communications to transaction information — is a treasure trove that, if it were to fall into the wrong hands, would be a formidable weapon.

The implication of these mainstream pundits' pontifications is that 5G only represents a threat in the hands of the Russians or the Chinese or other supposed "enemies of America." But what about the companies that are manufacturing these products?

Why are the Big Tech giants who have so signally abused the public's misplaced trust for decades now to be trusted with creating Big Databases of sensitive personal information on every imaginable aspect of our daily lives?

And why is the government of the US and its allies around the globe — governments that have been caught time and again illegally spying on their own populations and violently suppressing dissent — suddenly to be trusted as stewards of such a system?

The truth is that the development of 5G networks and the various networked products that they will give rise to in the global smart city infrastructure, represents the greatest threat to freedom in the history of humanity.

The vision of the future offered by the proponents of this next generation cellular technology is one in which every object that you own will be a "smart" object, communicating data about you, your movements and your activities in real time via the ultra-fast 5G network. ...read more>>>...