Further Reading

Monday, 15 July 2019

Nearly all bottled water found to contain microplastics… you are drinking “plastic stew” that disrupts human hormones

[Natural News]: Plastic is all around us, in everything from the toys our children play with to the cosmetics we use and the packaging of the foods we eat.

And now experts are expressing concerns that all this plastic might mean that microplastics – tiny bits of plastic small enough to be ingested by humans – could be leeching into our bottled water.

A study by researchers from Orb Media, conducted at the State University of New York in Fredonia, has found evidence of microparticle contamination in 93 percent of bottled water tested.

The research team examined 259 bottles of water from 11 different brands purchased at 19 locations in nine different countries. If their findings are confirmed after peer review we will have solid proof that we are dealing with a truly international problem. In the meantime, the World Health Organization is so alarmed by the study’s findings that it has launched its own investigation into the possible risks of plastic in drinking water...read more>>>....