Further Reading

Monday 29 July 2019

SCARCITY vs. abundance: How globalists enslave humanity by creating artificial scarcity in everything

[Natural News]: How do evil globalists control the world and enslave humanity? By creating artificial scarcity in everything from energy to money to food.

Abundance is the enemy of globalist control. When people experience abundance, they become more self-reliant and realize they don’t need big centralized government to run their lives. Abundance leads to economic mobility and human dignity, and these must be crushed by globalists to keep humanity suppressed.

That’s why globalists — and all their corporate minions like Google and Twitter — go all-out to create artificial scarcity that keeps nearly all human beings living in a cycle of complete subservience.

To achieve this, breakthrough technologies are routinely suppressed that could give decentralized, nearly free energy to everyone. Food technologies exist today that can grow so much food that no person on the planet would ever face starvation. Information and knowledge exists right now to cure most cancer, prevent most diseases and transform impoverished, mass-medicated human beings into strong, healthy, creative geniuses.

But the powers that be don’t want humans to be healthy, creative or free. They enslave humanity through artificial scarcity, destroying the quality of life for billions of people in order to make sure the globalists stay in control. This is why Google and Facebook now ban content promoting nutrition, by the way, or why Twitter de-platforms channels that share knowledge about human liberty and freedom....read more>>>...