This is an image of The Sun taken this evening over Lancashire, UK. We've been researching the 'Sun Simulator' theories. Most recently, we watched video footage on Twitter, and reached the conclusion that 'something is wrong' with our sun.
There's was footage that showed clear 'flickering' as if the sun was an LED light; we beheld footage that clearly showed some kind of 'filter' being over the sun.
We have read about the light hologram theory; we saw some very compelling footage that showed cloud moving over the sun and revealing a disk appearing from in front of the sun. Meaning the real sun was behind the clouds, and the strange disk was in front of the clouds; making it a local phenomenon, not something in space.
We've witnessed footage that shows aircraft flying in front of the sun, and actually partially 'disappearing' behind the sun; or whatever is in front of the sun.
One of the best evidence that something is odd with the sun, was footage that clearly showed the familiar yellow/orange edge of the sun with a bluish white disk in front of the sun, masking the majority of the sun.
So why? If this is really happening what is it all about?
We've read theories and claims that sentient A.I life forms need to cool the planet down, and dim the sun in order to terraform the earth into an atmosphere more suited to their needs; with this need heralding the climate change hysteria happening now. This plan necessitates the removal of CO2 in the atmosphere; destroying all biological life on earth plus plunging the earth into a major ice age.
We've also read that the sun is naturally dimming and forcing the earth into an ice age; therefore some secret project has put up a patented sun simulator into space to counter act the cooling effect of a dimming sun.
We've also read the extensive scepticism that you'd expect to abound all over the internet; most of which is likely a deliberate smokescreen to hide away the fact humans are still awake and noticing things going on around them.
We've observed the masses of chemtrails in the sky these days, and have noted the coincidental build up of chemtrails in the west of the sky; hiding the setting sun in recent weeks. We've not seen a sun set now for maybe five weeks. Only masses of chemtrail stimulated clouds. We had clear blue skies all day with a big WHITE bright sun ... and then as the sun began to fall from the sky hey presto chemtrail planes arrived and within an hour the sun was hidden and the horizon is a mass of white clouds. Surely just coincidence?
It's a strange sun though, we don't remember a white sun ... we always remember the sun being yellow? Has some cosmic dentist given the sun a whitening treatment to make it as dazzling white as it is? Look on a search engine ... put in 'The Sun' and behold hundreds of images that show a yellow/orange sun. Why is it now a white sun?
There is also compelling footage that show UFO activity around the sun and a dark star on the horizon in some instances; in the early 21st century we lived in New Zealand and we captured some very compelling photographs of the sun which showed orbs/planetary bodies of varying sizes around it. We mused that it is Nibiru/Planet X back then? Some seventeen years later, the same phenomenon is happening again. Back then the sun was white too.