Further Reading

Saturday 20 July 2019

The 5G Crisis: Awareness and Accountability – FREE Online Event and Report

[5G Summit]: As consumers, we’re being told that 5G means faster downloads and greater connectivity. As healthy humans and parents, we’re NOT being told about the serious risks to health, our fundamental rights and basic freedoms.

Now, Josh del Sol, activist and filmmaker, and Sayer Ji, co-founder of GreenMedInfo, have teamed up for an important event: The 5G Crisis: Awareness and Accountability.

Despite thousands of studies demonstrating evidence of harmful biological effects from 5G and wireless radiation, government is rubber-stamping permits to deploy thousands of new 5G satellites and millions of small transmission sites next to our homes and schools, even passing new laws to strip decision-making power from cities and communities so they can’t fight it.

The 5G Crisis Summit is FREE to attend, and will gather the world’s leading experts, scientists, doctors and researchers.

 Register here to attend and receive your FREE copy of Josh’s powerful report: 7 Essential Ways to Make Your Home Safe from 5G and EMF Radiation