Further Reading

Thursday 25 July 2019

The Four Stages of Spiritual Growth

[Waking Times]: Einstein has a well-shared quote in our modern day which says, “we cannot solve a problem with the same level of consciousness that created it.”

This is a powerful realization for humanity to embrace as we explore pathways to regenerate the vitality of our living planet and build systems for living that will sustain us harmoniously into the future.

But if a shift in consciousness is what is required… how do we actually do (or be) that? How do we create a shift in who we are being such that it positively impacts our visions and our actions in the world? And how do we gauge our progress on the path?

In recent times, our path of personal and planetary development has been influenced by a myriad of different perspectives in science, spirituality, indigenous wisdom and multiple schools of self awareness, self development, movement and thought.

Ancient and modern practices have merged with the intent of helping us shed limiting patterns and past experience in order to more powerfully align with the infinite possibilities of life....read more>>>...