Further Reading

Sunday 21 July 2019

The rise of Satanism: Whole Foods, Monsanto and all the perverted demon-crats

[Natural News]: Yes, that Whole Foods. No longer are they promoting an organic way of life, because that would mean eating clean, unadulterated food and not becoming some twisted, sick, demented pervert.

Seems extreme, until you get your head around the fact that Whole Foods just started promoting the Drag Queen Story Hour for children, that’s hosted by a man who has been convicted and jailed for committing sex crimes on four prepubescent children ranging in age from four to eight years young.

Let that sink in for a minute.

Whole Foods is sponsoring this demented, child-molesting and child-raping freak, while he dresses up like a devil-clown and prances around prostitute-style, pretending to give a crap about education so he can get closer to more innocent children, who could easily become his next victims.

How stupid and sick are these kids’ parents? Maybe Whole Foods Market should change their name to “Ho Foods Market” – after all, all they’ll need to do is toss away three letters. Whole Foods is really whoring themselves out to the fullest extent with this propaganda...read more>>>...