Further Reading

Friday 26 July 2019

Turtle - Totem Animal For The Day

It's time to SLOW DOWN and take stock of your thoughts, and your thought processes. Are they your own? Is the path they lead you down, the right path for you? Now is a critical time to assess and realise. The apply mindfulness to clear your mind of all thoughts. When you get to that empty space, relax before permitting strands of thoughts to return one by one.

Slowly analyse those thoughts are see where they originate from. What part of the brain? Left? Right? Front? Back? Top? From within your body? Or are they external?

You have the power now to stop those thoughts you don't want and create thoughts you need ...

Practice makes perfect. But once this technique is perfected, the mind control attempts by the crazy elite can be minimised. You will learn to recognise those thoughts that have been planted and seeded by EMR and deliberate subliminal means. Then you are well on the way to thwarting the assault on your mind and your body.