Further Reading

Thursday 1 August 2019

5G Agriculture – Food from Frankenstein Farming

[Natural News]: The director of development at Ericcson, Marcin Sugak, is excited. He has a new toy to sell to agribusiness farmers.

This particular toy, he claims, is going to ‘overcome’ all the difficult new challenges facing agriculture today.

It will be ‘A revolution’, he declares. According to the Ericcson corporation, with this new toy, farmers will be able to look at their plants and animals from a completely ‘new perspective’.

Just what might this new perspective be?

A 5G perspective, of course! The lucky plants and animals will, Ericcson’s development director goes on to say, be surrounded by thousands of tiny gadgets that will transmit back to the farmer precise details of their state of health or sickness. However, what he does not say is that these tiny gadgets will, in the process, shoot a steady stream of high powered millimeter wave length

microwave frequencies into the farmer’s best cows and crops, precipitating them to sicken and die. But that isn’t really important information, for Ericcson plc.

However, what is clearly important for this leading mobile phone corporation, is that the farmer will get ‘Real Time’ monitoring of exactly which part of his farm needs more or less agrichemicals, water and synthetic nitrate fertilizer – without him having to move his bum out of the office chair. Wow!

But oh dear, no one has told this farmer that he will also be zapped as he sits behind his 5G powered ‘smart’ computer watching – in Real Time – his 5G surrounded farm raised foods experiencing similar hits to those suffered by protesters in the USA when they were/are shot at by military 5G radiation weapons: burning skin, dizziness and disrupted nervous systems. A revolution indeed.

But wait, that isn’t all the tricks that these 5G gadgets can play, this 5G agricultural technology will also be used to irradiate his food on its way to the super store, as part of the ‘quality control’ techniques that supermarkets like to boast about. While, at the same time, it will supposedly be able to detect any problems that might show-up in the food and alert the seller of such....read more>>>...