Further Reading

Friday 30 August 2019

Anti-Breathing or anti-Farting Legislation??

This whole man made climate change HOAX has really gone crazy. It is the snowball that is now tearing down the hillside at crazy speed.

All the fake science. All the lies. All the fabricated evidence. All the tampered data.

All the wild claims that CO2 is dangerous. That a red meat tax is essential to help curb the methane going up into the atmosphere from cattle farts.

All the crazy notions that the naive and misinformed souls are peddling, because the elite crazies are pushing them into selling a deceitful agenda.

There are however several CO2 and methane producers that they haven't yet cottoned on to. They must surely be aware that we humans breathe in oxygen from the air and then BREATHE OUT CO2? Surely they must realise then that we are contributing to the build up of CO2? Therefore we must all stop BREATHING to prevent the build up of CO2???

Another instance; we all buy fizzy drinks - soda, sparkling water, lemonade, Dr Peppers, Beers, Ciders, Coca Cola, Pepsi, right? Have they not cottoned on that the fizz is caused by CO2 in the water? Carbonated water? Thus when we release the cap or the ring pull we are letting the CO2 leak into the atmosphere? Think of the millions of carbonated drinks there are. Oh dear I might have reminded them ....

So not only can we no longer eat red meat soon ... I reckon there will be no more carbonated drinks and we will not be allowed to breathe! Oh yes, one more thing. There are a heck of a lot more humans than cattle ... so when we humans fart, we release tons more methane than cattle. Maybe we will be banned from farting (Or burping CO2) as well ....

Maybe this is why they want to replace CO2 exhaling humans with no breathing robots???