[Natural News]: Researchers finally dared to explore the grisly fates of the occupants of a tomb in Deir el Bahari, Egypt. They believed that the 60 mummies in the “Tomb of the Warriors” were soldiers who fell in battle during turbulent times in ancient Egypt.
First discovered during the 1920s, the Tomb of the Warriors got sealed up in 1923. A research team revisited the site in recent years, hoping to figure out the cause for the odd burial ground.
Ancient Egyptians rarely buried many people together in the same grave. Something dire happened more than 4,000 years ago to these long-dead soldiers.
Based on their evaluation of the Tomb of the Warriors and other archaeological sites in Egypt, the researchers came up with a grim explanation. They placed the date for the tomb and its occupants at 2,150 B.C. At this point in Ancient Egyptian history, the Old Kingdom was coming apart. Civil unrest swept through the country as rival governors fought with each other....read more>>>...