Further Reading

Sunday 25 August 2019

Disease and Aging are Intimately Related to the Acid / Alkaline Balance (pH)

[Humans are Free]:There is a new medical perspective emerging in the world today: Disease and aging are intimately related to the acid/alkaline balance (pH) of the fluids in our bodies.

Virtually every degenerative disease from cancer, osteoporosis, heart disease and arthritis, to skin problems, tooth decay and joint pain is associated with excess acidity in the body.

Calcium & mineral absorption is the ultimate alkalizer.

We are comprised of approximately 70% water. Water is comprised of hydrogen and oxygen [H2O]. When there is an equal proportion of oxygen (O-) and hydrogen (H+), then the pH [potential hydrogen] is said to be neutral and the pH is 7.0 as measured on the pH scale that ranges from 1 to 14. If there is more oxygen than hydrogen the water is alkaline and will measure between 7.1 and 14.

If there is more hydrogen than oxygen the water is acidic and can range from 1.0 to 6.9 on the pH scale. Most importantly, the pH scale is logarithmic, which means that each step is ten times the previous one.

Therefore, a pH of 7.0 means that there is ten times more oxygen available to the cells than a pH of 6.0 and 100 times more available oxygen than a pH of 5.0. A small variation in pH measures a rather large difference in the balance between oxygen and hydrogen.

Everyone knows we need to provide our lungs with adequate amounts of oxygen to sustain life. We now understand that the water in our bodies also needs adequate amounts of oxygen to resist disease and maintain health.

The ONLY way to increase the amount of oxygen in our body “water” is to raise the pH level and provide the system with the optimum amount of oxygen....read more>>>...