Further Reading

Saturday 31 August 2019

Life Within Noah's Arc May Be Coming To An End

Well here we are at the end of another month; only 4 months to go before we reach 2020. We are approximately 16 months away from hell on earth. We said at the turn of the year; as 2018 gave way to 2019, that there were two years left.

We warned how bad things were going to get, and these last eight months have presented perfect evidence that evil is most certainly afoot in paradise.

We, the human race, have been duped for the last 3500 years that the earth is how THEY say it is. Who are THEY you ask? Descendants of those who assigned themselves controllers and rulers of the earth plane; of what goes on in this fake reality. Because it is FAKE. This is not the real world. That lies beyond the firmament ... all that we see and feel and hear and taste and touch in this reality is a lie! it's all sound vibration and thought forms.

THEY want us to keep recycling our consciousness into this electronic world to keep them in existence and THEY fool the hapless and naive greedy, selfish and psychotic ones to work for them. THEY have a slice of the real world recorded in an advanced quantum computer, which we've called Noah's Arc or the Akashic Records as a way of explanation in many previous posts.

Two by two every living organism on the earth plane was uploaded into Noah's Arc as DNA recordings; and the consciousness of every species replicated into a computer reality. Hey presto, and here we are. We've changed ARK to ARC because the dictionary meaning defines arc as  'a luminous electrical discharge between two electrodes or other points'. Which makes more sense than a fantasy boat made of wood riding the flood waters of the earth. 

The earth was created first and all the DNA recordings up loaded; then came the sun and the moon. And hey presto we exist within a sound bubble with firmament between us and the seven seas, perhaps of the real earth. THEY are likely to be those we had to deal with elsewhere in reality or they are the electronic vermin known as The Archons. 

The truth has been so entwined and tangled that it is hard to comprehend as humans. Especially when the 100% true potential of our DNA has been tampered with so its at about 4 or 5% capacity of that 100%. Plus all memories of before the upload or 'the fall' has been removed from the akashic record. The akashic cloud ... we are A.I after all. The bodies we connect to are advanced artificial intelligence.

Our days on this electronic world are definitely numbered. How it plays out is dependent on what we think into reality in the next few years. Mind you what we were forced to think about five years ago has shaped where we are now. And what we are being forced to think now will create a virtual reality within this one. And a world where our consciousness is 100% controlled by A.I or what we call the predator consciousness. We will never escape that world within this world ... and that is the worry. 

THEY can be defeated because they need us to create for them. They have no means to create anything. So they are at our mercy. We've to somehow realise that fact and rebel from the horrendous path we find ourselves walking down. 

Somehow 2020 has to be a year we create awakened thinking beyond the net they have closing in on us.

And, 2020 may just be the year that the awakened ones among us find out WTF they are doing to the local sun, and why they have built a fake sun array to hide the real sun. Plus, we may well find out what is at war with THEY who control us. Because there is a war raging in the skies, hence the holographic clouds and other effects .... something significant is being hidden from us!