Further Reading

Wednesday 28 August 2019

Man-made global warming fiction

Hey Greta and co! It's time to realise you've been duped by cheating and lying psychopathic madmen who want to destroy this world, and are using you like puppets to reach that end.

[Natural News]: here is absolutely no way that so-called Greenhouse Gas emissions can cause warming or generate heat. It is a fiction that is spread by such august bodies as the IPCC, and promulgated by news channels like the BBC and CNN and is even taught to unsuspecting children in schools.

Far from greenhouse gas emissions generating heat, precisely the opposite is true.

What is the principal Greenhouse Gas?

It is Water Vapour, which constitutes 90% of all Greenhouse Gases. How is it generated? Answer: As the infrared radiation from the Sun strikes the surface of the oceans liquid salt water is turned into a gas, Water Vapour, by evaporation. Evaporation is cooling, not warming – every simpleton knows that.

This gas, this water vapour, then rises up by convection and condenses into clouds. Clouds are also cooling as they scatter the incoming solar infrared radiation. Then rain, snow or sleet falls from these clouds. What is a common observation, most remarkably in summer?

The temperature drops, as the atmosphere cools rapidly. So here we see that the principle Greenhouse gas leads to cooling all round. It is hardly surprising that we do not hear calls for emissions of Water Vapour to be culled.

What is even more remarkable is that the salt water of the oceans is turned into fresh water to fill our reservoirs, lakes, rivers and streams, which in turn find their way out to the sea. This is the miracle of the Water Cycle – truly the miracle of water into wine, of salt water into fresh....read more>>>...