Further Reading

Wednesday 7 August 2019

South Carolina Farmer Sounds the Alarm on the Arrival of the Pollinator Bee Crisis

[Waking Times]: There is a time bomb ticking away that spells disaster for human beings and the quality of life on planet earth.

We’ve been watching and waiting, covering this story for years, and the more time goes by the more bad news keeps rolling in. In truth, this issue is far more grave a threat than the stuff the mainstream news keeps your eyes on, even more serious than mass shootings.

Colony collapse disorder is the name given to the sudden disappearance of living or dead worker bees in colonies which had plenty of food, honey and pollen. The bees are just gone.

First coming into popular consciousness around 2006, bee-keepers began reporting this strange global phenomenon and scientists began studying it. While the crisis has exacerbated considerably, much research today points to the use and overuse of chemical pesticides, herbicides and fungicides, most notably a class of pesticide called neonicotinoids.

A recent “study found that American agriculture has become 48 times more toxic to insects over the past 25 years and pinned 92 percent of the toxicity increase on neonicotinoids, which were banned by the European Union last year due to the threat they pose to bees and other pollinators.” [Source]

We continue to see dramatic and shocking losses to not only bee colonies and wild bee populations around the world, but also grave devastation of populations of other pollinator insects, butterflies, and even birds.

It has become so bad that many are calling it the ‘insect apocalypse,’ but no one seems to have yet grasped the significance of this, and where it goes from here....read more>>>>...