Further Reading

Tuesday, 13 August 2019

Strong Evidence of Artificial Fake Sun Array

First light 'simulator sun' over Canberra in 2016 with 2 no unknown orb anomalies
Add captionFirst light 'simulator sun' over Canberra in 2016 with 1 no unknown orb anomaly
Classic 'simulator sun' images with the simulator in front of the local sun. In both images are planetary orbs/UFOs around the local sun. Very compelling evidence that our sun has an 'artificial fake sun array' in front of it. See the photograph below of one such array, and see how its shape matches the outline of our local sun above.

Just what are the planetary orbs sighted around the sun and what is it we are having kept hidden from us?? And how long has this been going on? Remember we first reported sighting strange orbs around the sun back in 2003, and the sun wasn't been hidden from us then. So it has to be sometime between 2003 and 2016 it started happening.