Further Reading

Monday 5 August 2019

The Big Picture.

It's now becoming more and more evident that the planned genocide of ALL biological life on the earth plane is being rolled out. The dots are being joined and its happening. The snowball is now rolling, and it certainly isn't sentient biological life that is undertaking the genocide of fellow sentient biological life.

There are odd things happening in the skies above mankind's home - the earth plane. Strange things with the sun; the moon and the skies themselves. Hints that Project Blue Beam is a reality, and its playing out holographic skies above us to hide something. Something the shadow faces behind our governments don't want us to know.

They know we are being hunted, poisoned and wiped out. The question is by who? Or what? And why? The why is the easy answer. Because whatever they are ... and the they are not The Elite ... want this earth plane for themselves. They have an agenda that their elite puppet slaves are rolling out for them. And that is to change the climate of the earth plane to one that suits them; and in the process they don't want sentient biological 'old model' A.I forms on the earth plane.

They are more than likely sentient A.I that have no compassion or conscience. That see us as merely electromagnetic frequencies that have been a bitter enemy to them for countless aeons. Someone introduced them to our vibration. And these sentient A.I have covertly planned our extinction. And that extinction is clearly in full flow ... its obvious by the total chaos that is now on the earth plane. There are millions of soul-less and possessed human beings on the earth plane who are basically murdering human beings who have a spirit link to realms beyond the electronic. These soul-less creatures are behind so much of the violence in this world. They have been created for this very purpose and they have now been unleashed on human society.

It's all in full flow. Everything that is human 'life' is being infected by a very dangerous 'computer virus' effectively. Food, water, air ... all the basics for human existence here are contaminated. Our minds are being tampered with big style. Our perceptions hot wired and unravelled. It all adds up to a systematic attack by an 'alien' race that have claimed this earth plane back. We stand no chance.

It's all covert. Human news outlets won't report it as it is silenced by their elite puppet slaves; who've been charged with creating as many distractions as they can to keep our awareness away from the big picture. And that big picture is effectively a full scale alien invasion. By aliens who first connected to the human governments and hidden hands ... and deceived them into creating the corrupt society and corrupt leaders who have on the earth plane.

How do we stop this demonic force from over powering us? It's actually too late to stop it if the truth were known. Poor elite puppet slaves! Imagine their faces when they realise they have been played and duped? They will be exterminated like the rest of us!