Further Reading

Monday 5 August 2019

The most important piece of evidence that’s MISSING from nearly every mass shooting in America

[Natural News]: Considering most American’s infinite inability to think, it’s not surprising that nobody is looking for the obvious evidence that tells the real “truth” about how the latest mass shootings really went down.

You see, since a picture is worth “a thousand words,” then a video is worth a thousand pictures, or a million words.

Ever bother to notice the Feds and the Deep State never let a single video be shown to the public from when these armed stooges approach and enter the premises of the store, school, or theater they shoot up?

After all, Walmart runs security video 24/7/365 from multiple angles, out front and inside, as do most schools. And we’re not asking for footage of innocent people being shot, just the video footage of the shooters entering, but we NEVER see it. Why?

Security video footage of the “shooters” won’t match the mass media narrative of the event, so the public never sees any

The first thing the Feds do when they swoop onto a mass shooting scene is confiscate all security video footage from the inside and out of the location. They also confiscate any footage from surrounding stores or ATMs just to be sure they got it all. Then, it’s always only ONE mass shooter, the “lone shooter,” even after early reports usually have survivors and witnesses talking about multiple shooters. Why?

You will never ever see the video footage of the “guy” who entered Walmart in El Paso and shot innocent people. You won’t ever see that footage – not on the news and not in court when he’s “prosecuted” for his crimes. You won’t even see footage of him in the parking lot, walking around with his automatic weapon, but you WILL see gruesome footage of medics carting off and carrying off victims, because those are the emotions the press wants you to experience, and those match their narrative.

Ask yourself right now WHY you never see video footage of mass shooters entering the property....read more>>>...