Further Reading

Thursday 29 August 2019

The Social Engineering of the Meaning of Life

[Waking Times]: We have been fed lies by a system designed to enslave us since birth. It uses deception as its primary means to accomplish this, and it involves institutions that we have been told to trust unconditionally.

It is multi-faceted, multi-layered, and its primary means of perpetuating itself is through purposefully designed indoctrination through education. Logic and critical thinking are, by design, removed from the equation. This guarantees that we will only learn what they want us to learn, and think how they want us to think.

In detail, this system can be best described by the adage “garbage in, garbage out”. When the foundation from which a society derives itself is built upon lies, it is an absolute guarantee that the lies will permeate every aspect of that society. Over time, those lies begin to appear as unquestionable truths, and are committed as such in the knowledge base that subsequent generations are taught from.

The institution of Science is an excellent example of this. What we are told is a scientific fact had actually begun its life as a scientific theory, but over time and repetition those theories had come to be considered indisputable truths.

For example, Darwin’s theory of evolution, though impossible to prove in the absence of any observable evidence by way of transitional fossil records, and impossible to validate by human observation, is nonetheless accepted as truth in academia and taught as such at the expense of other possibilities. This tends to narrow our perspective, and prevents any meaningful debate on the subject.

Let us consider certain elements from the concept of “survival of the fittest”....read more>>>...