Further Reading

Saturday 24 August 2019

This could trigger civil war in America! The party of death and destruction’s hatred of whites, Christians, conservatives and Trump supporters could lead to their own annihilation

[Natural News]: The Reverend Not-so-Sharpton stood with his hands extended high and wide saying, “I hate white people this much.” But Sharpton is not considered a hater. He was much sought after by 12 of the Democrat presidential candidates who made the pilgrimage to his humble abode to kiss his ring.

When it was time to renew his television show, his credentials were examined (but the ratings were ignored) and yes, he was qualified because he is still black. That seems to be the reason Al is a television star. Al is paid $500,000 annually by MSNBC for his television work and he pays himself over $200,000 from his civil rights non-profit organization....read more>>>...