Further Reading

Friday, 20 September 2019

Chilling Report Reveals that Just a Handful of Mega Corporations Control the Fate of the World

[Waking Times]: So much of dystopian science fiction stories feature an all-knowing, all-powerful private corporation as the dominant authority in a tyrannic and soulless world. According to a new study, this vision of the future isn’t all that fictional, as trans-national corporations (TNC’s) are growing at an alarming pace, rapidly consolidating control over major industries, and creating a new type of super-governance in our world.

Conducted by Carl Folke et al. of the University of Beijer Institute of Ecological Economics, Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, Stockholm, Sweden, the 2019 study primarily focused on the influence that multinational corporations have over the biosphere and critical issues surrounding sustainability, but also revealed just how dependent the world is on TNC’s.

For years we’ve known that just a handful of media companies hold sway over 90% of the media we consume, offering up the illusion of choice, but this paradigm extends into other critical sectors.

You can see it in the environment, where just 100 companies are responsible for over 70 percent of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions.You can see it in technology, where giant tech firms enjoy monopolistic dominance over search, social, and more. Pharmaceutical companies are so powerful they spawn entire health crises; energy companies are so powerful they can predict climate crises decades in advance. The communication of science itself is not untouched by these phenomena of corporate consolidation and control.”...read more>>>...