Further Reading

Friday, 20 September 2019

CLIMATE CLOWN: Pete Buttigieg claims that carbon dioxide is a “sin” and God would oppose it

There are no adequate words to describe these mind controlled morons that are spouting this craziness at this time. 

Insane. Crazy. Potty. Psycho. Nuts. Wacky. Screwball. Barmy. Bonkers. Cuckoo. Demented. Deranged. Kooky. 

You get our drift. Yes? This one fits all those titles with this wild madness about the life giving gas CO2. Without CO2 plants and trees would perish and through the natural cycle photosynthesis, they would not be able to produce oxygen, which we need to exist.

Mind you, it depends which god he is referring to. There is something out there non-human which wants to destroy our biosphere and take off all biological life.

But again it might be part of a deliberate script to prevent Democrats from winning?

[Natural News]: If you’ve been watching the Democratic “debates” recently, you probably know that most of the subject matter seems to center around climate change and what the 2020 presidential hopefuls plan to do to stop it.

And Pete Buttigieg’s solution, in case you missed it, is to announce all across the heartland that carbon dioxide (CO2) is a “sin” in the hopes that conservative Christian farmers will gladly give up their cattle and go “plant-based” in order to save the planet.

We wish we could say that we were making this all up, but Buttigieg actually said this with a straight face, speaking on behalf of God in declaring that the planetary life molecule, by its very existence, somehow violates the Ten Commandments because it supposedly causes global warming.

When pressed on the issue of climate change, he assumed the role of environmental reverend by announcing that CO2 is evil and needs to be eradicated for the good of Mother Earth.

So while Kamala Harris talked about banning plastic straws and Bernie Sanders suggested global genocide, Buttigieg stood before the altar of climate change and preached repentance from CO2 – and yes, all of these cretins actually believe they stand a chance of winning the White House next year....read more>>>