The end may well be nigh. Indeed, there is significant evidence around us in 2019, to suggest it is the case. However, it will not be announced on the 'news' or on 'live TV'. There will be no news announcer commenting that 'the human genocide program starts today and sadly most of you are going to kingdom come'.
There will be no warning. It will happen. And you will not know about it. We leave behind the 2000 - 2010 era, which was the years of the end of days approaching. We then venture into the 2020 - 2029 era. The time when the end of days is likely to arrive and the human genocide program kicks in, just in time for 2030 and the UN 2030 Agenda.
For those with the 'Sodium Fluoride' eyes, they will not comprehend anything sinister is afoot, sadly. Their brains are cooked, and their minds not open. The portion of the population utterly and totally brainwashed and mind controlled will never awaken to the truth. For them their ignorant and their obliviousness to the impending doom may be their saving grace. For their expulsion from the earth plane will not come as a shock.
For those techno-obsessed humans, who are welcoming the transhumanism and the A.I dominated world, with USB connection from their brains to machine, to upload their memories, and have the chance to live eternally ... those foolish ones are brainwashed too. Let's hope they enjoy spending eternity in the 'world brain' told what the think and told what to do ... living in the fantasy virtual reality. It's their choice. But there will be no volunteers 'falling' to save them.
And, for those who are awakened to the growing doom, and clearly evident surfacing of the sinister death cult, we can clearly see the world is not how it was, and is most certainly not what we are told it is. The Flat Earthers are probably right with their research. And, we could well be the civilisation WITHIN the earth. It matters not what and where; our current experience is that of 'the end of days'. It is a repeating computer program, and its algorithm is now running the software course. It's pointless fretting and wondering what can be done.
We are pure consciousness merely observing this experience via some very hi-tech virtual reality gear. Instead of fearing what is to come; we should be experiencing it to the full. It's what we are here for after all!