Further Reading

Thursday, 12 September 2019

Gun violence “science” has become just as big a joke as “climate science” – it’s all fabricated for political purposes

[Natural News]: One wouldn’t think that science, which is supposed to be rooted in confirmed facts garnered from replicable studies, would ever become politicized, but it has and we have Democrats to thank for it.

Years ago, beginning with the environment, Left-wing Democrats claimed that human technological advancement — modern life, in other words — alternately caused overpopulation, global cooling, global warming, and now “climate change.”

Since the 1960s, the Left used fake studies and politicized science to ‘prove’ their case, though closer examinations of the evidence revealed that researchers often came to conclusions based on pre-conceived notions and confirmation bias.

In short, if they believed that humans were causing climate change, global warming or global cooling, then they would conduct studies whose outcomes would demonstrate that — even to the point where study models were flawed to produce a desired conclusion....read more>>>...