Further Reading

Tuesday, 17 September 2019

It’s all a scam: Al Gore a major investor in fake meat company while pushing fake climate science scare over real meat

Mr Climate Change Fake himself is also pushing Frankenfood too eh? What a nice man this crazy is.

[Natural News]: The political establishment has taken to bashing meat in its latest installment of Climate Propaganda 2019, with the Democratic contenders for the presidency all basically suggesting that it might be time for the government to restrict meat-eating in order to save the planet from climate change.

And wouldn’t you know it, but none other than Al Gore stands to profit handsomely if they’re successful.

You won’t hear about any of this from the mainstream media, but Gore is currently the largest investor in “Beyond Meat,” a fake meat company that we earlier reported is peddling “vegan” food creations made from things like genetically-modified soybeans, monosodium glutamate (MSG), and various other health-destroying ingredients and chemicals.

If this meat demonization effort by the climate lunatics pans out the way they want it to, meat-eating Americans could be forced to either go vegetarian or substitute their traditional burgers with Beyond Meat varieties instead – which means Gore stands to make billions of dollars in profit from yet another ridiculous climate hoax....read more>>>....