Further Reading

Tuesday 24 September 2019

Just as we suspected, climate youth puppet Greta Thunberg is controlled by George Soros

[Natural News]: She’s all over the news these days, but 16-year-old Greta Thunberg isn’t homegrown or grassroots.

Her climate schtick is completely a product of George Soros and Company, which feeds Thunberg her lines as she traipses around the world pretending to have come up with all this climate hysteria on her own.

In truth, Thunberg is never without her handler, Luisa-Marie Neubauer, a 23-year-old, far-left activist from Germany who’s the “Youth Ambassador” for an international lobbying and campaigning organization known as the “ONE Foundation,” which is funded by George Soros, Bill & Melinda Gates, and Bono, among other celebrity names.

Besides the fact that Thunberg herself comes from a family of freemasons, her mother supposedly having ties to Bavarian Illuminati founder Adam Weisshaupt, Neubauer, her controller, works for a major globalist entity that’s working to implement Agenda 2030 in Germany via the Paris Climate Accord.

Neubauer is also a member of Alliance 90, The Greens, and Green Youth, three communist organizations that are using the “threat” of climate change as a cover to push for sweeping policy changes all around the globe – changes that will, of course, eliminate freedom and liberty in order to “save the planet.” 

Neubauer herself actually tweeted about being a member of the ONE Foundation, bragging about the fact that she gets to travel the world spreading climate propaganda with others who were hoodwinked just like she was into believing that global warming is real...read more>>>...