Further Reading

Thursday, 19 September 2019

Mad science “SCoPEx” extinction scheme to block the sun by polluting the entire planet detailed in “Oblivion Agenda” lecture video now posted

 Again, agencies of the Death Cult may have deliberately released this agenda announcement into circulation for maximum effect. Panic. Anxiety. Fear. 

But then again, it might already be happening, and this release might just be a catch up.

[Natural News]: The real impact of SCoPEx will be the blocking of photosynthesis in plants and phytoplankton, causing a collapse of food crops leading to worldwide famine, starvation and mass death.

That’s the real goal of the program, of course. It’s a “mass extinction” weapon system that’s funded by globalists to annihilate humankind by taking out the food webs that support human life. This is nothing less than the weaponization of the atmosphere to commit genocide on a planetary scale

This project is going active because the globalists encountered too much resistance to the vaccine infertility programs which were designed to function as a “soft kill” system to eliminate human populations through infertility. (UN-approved vaccines have been repeatedly found to be covertly spiked with infertility chemicals like HCG.) But vaccines require a person’s consent, and too many people (from the globalist point of view) are wising up and refusing to be injected with weaponized vaccines.

So they’ve gone to their “hard kill” vector which requires no consent at all. They will pollute the skies, dim the sun and collapse the global food supply… and there’s nothing you can do to stop it.

The program needs no approval from the U.S. Congress or President, since the geoengineering / chemtrails aircraft can be launched from any country that has an airport.

The pollution will spread across the globe, blocking sunlight for all food crops on every continent. Solar panels will stop working at full efficiency, too, underscoring the madness of the SCoPEx plan, since it’s being funded by the very same people that demand we all invest in solar panels to power our homes and businesses.

This planned pollution of the skies could devastate life on Earth. It might unleash, “…things like mass famine, mass flooding, drought, of kinds that would affect very large populations,”...read more>>>...