Further Reading

Friday 27 September 2019

Neuroscientists Can Now Design False Memories and Plant Them Into Animal Brains

There's so much dis-information mixed with information; truth with lies and half truths; such much fact and so much fiction. It's designed by the elite to be this way; they know that to control humans there must be fear and anxiety. 

So much of the stuff being released on the net is scare tactics and also stone cold fact. It's virtually impossible to trust any primary source of ANYTHING that is released these days.

The obvious truth is in plain sight, and that is the world is not how it is portrayed and the elite need YOU and me to think the reality for them. Their technology can be guaranteed to be decades ahead of what they release, and this so called 'false memory implantation' will be no exception. But its all intended to make the human sheep scared of the elite shepherd/farmer. 

Taking it all with a pinch of salt, with love and compassion, will lessen the effect of their efforts to subdue and mind control. Their reality is filled with hatred and fear; they despise us humans and are trying to overwhelm us with their sickness ... endure their vicious games of enchantment for a while longer; it is almost at its worst. Think of how much effort they've put into subduing us and for HOW long they've been at it? If we were a push over it would have been over for us a long time ago. Instead their methods are now sheer desperation; and they are totally reliant on their technology.

[Waking Times]:(Elite owned) scientists have known for some time that specific circuits in the brain react to experiences and encode those same experiences into our minds as memories. These memories are central to our identity and the narrative we construct about ourselves and the world around us.

In past experiments, neuroscientists have been able to partially transfer memories between rodents but they have never wholesale manufactured false memories—until now.

A recent study, the results of which were published in the journal Nature with the provocative title Memory formation in the absence of experience, has demonstrated for the first time the complex and stunning process by which memories can be generated inside the minds of animals and retained just as cohesively in everyday experience as natural memories.

It’s a huge discovery in the still-nascent scientific industry of “memory manipulation,” which aims to assist patients with conditions like Alzheimers and PTSD.

The paper’s abstract postulates that “memory is coded by patterns of neural activity in distinct circuits. Therefore, it should be possible to reverse engineer a memory by artificially creating these patterns of activity in the absence of a sensory experience.”

Scientists proved this hypothesis by essentially reverse engineered a memory and then exporting it. Specifically, a natural memory was created in the mind of a mouse....read more>>>...