Further Reading

Friday 27 September 2019

Reverse engineering the goals of terraforming / geoengineering / chemtrails: What biologicals are compatible with the end result?

[Natural News]: It is now indisputable that geoengineering plans are under way to alter Earth’s atmosphere and climate. The Bill Gates funded, Harvard-run “SCoPEx” project is just one of several schemes that plan to deliberately pollute the atmosphere to alter the future of life on Earth.

That project has been openly touted by CNBC, while a similar project called Stratospheric Aerosol Infection is being openly advocated by deep state power broker John Brennan (also involved in the spygate hoax to frame Trump).

The stated goals of these programs are, of course, devastating to life on Earth as we know. Those goals include:

🔄Dimming the sun and reducing the density of solar radiation reaching the surface of the Earth. (In the name of eliminating “global warming,” of course.)
🔄Cooling and freezing the Earth, making large areas unable to grow grasses, trees or food crops. (Because the climate lunatics claim ice is good, but liquid water is bad.)
🔄Diminishing photosynthesis, which is the energy source needed by all plants and food crops. (Photosynthesis needs carbon dioxide, water and sunlight.)
🔄Sharply reducing the oxygen concentration in the atmosphere, since oxygen is the byproduct of photosynthesis. (Oxygen is barely around 20% right now, and will drop sharply once this plan goes into play.)
🔄Collapsing ocean ecosystems by depriving phytoplankton of the solar energy they need to function as a pillar food source for marine ecosystems. (The marine ecosystem needs sunlight, too.)
🔄Raining down toxic lead — a common contaminant of the calcium carbonate that will be dumped into the atmosphere — onto all the lands, waterways and oceans of the world. Low-level lead contamination also causes 412,000 deaths a year in America alone, according to The Lancet.
🔄Shrinking the size of the world’s oceans by freezing the planet, increasing polar ice mass and lowering ocean levels worldwide, destroying habitat for ocean ecosystems. (All in the name of “saving human cities.”)

The obvious effects of these programs will include:

🔄A collapse of food crops in marginal nations (Third World nations), leading to mass starvation and social unrest. The mass culling of Third World populations is also, of course, being accelerated by global abortion initiatives pushed by the government of Canada and several U.S. Democrat candidates like Bernie Sanders.
🔄A sharp increase in geopolitical conflict and social unrest worldwide, as the biosphere accelerates toward collapse.
🔄A mass die-off of human beings around the world, to the tune of billions of people. (This is the highest priority of the project, which is led and funded by depopulation globalists.) Read Depopulation.news to stay informed on this scheme.
🔄A parallel mass die-off of plant life, aquatic ecosystems, rainforests and grasslands, causing a cascading ripple effect of death and destruction across the entire planet.
🔄The collapse of oxygen-breathing mammals due to the reduction of oxygen concentrations in the atmosphere (leading to asphyxiation).
🔄The mass pollution of the world as the chemicals sprayed into the atmosphere fall back to Earth, polluting everything with sulfur dioxide, aluminum compounds, calcium carbonate, lead contamination or anything else sprayed into the skies.

Stated accurately, the goals of geoengineering / terraforming are not compatible with human life on planet Earth. That’s why we call this scheme “Geogenocide.” Its aim is the complete destruction of life on Earth as we know it today.

It brings up the obvious question: What forms of biological life are compatible with the end goals of this terraforming effort?...read more>>>....