Further Reading

Wednesday, 18 September 2019

The 2002 Prophecy

This sigil was drawn back in 2003, and has been used as a mainstay for numerous pieces of artwork since.

It represents the symbology of a clairvoyant vision seen back in 2002; and illustrates the comprehension of that vision, relating to what is happening to this reality at this time.

The green background is representative of the unseen worlds aid and healing during these desperate times. It is not apparent in the day to day existence for humans but it is there.

The circle represents the 'earth plane' and all that is encompassed in that flat plane of existence. The white open circle and the small red circle represent the local sun that circumnavigates the earth plane. The three bigger circles are indicative of the planetary system that came into orbit around the local sun and the earth plane back in 2002.

The red and white lines are representative of the powers of influence between these planetary bodies, the local sun and the earth plane. 

In the current day, there are now the incredible changes to the skies above the earth to hide from prying eyes the phenomenon that is taking place, which is represented by this sigil. We have chemtrails. We have an artificial sun array. We have holographic clouds. We have fake sunrise and fake sunset colours created by sounding rockets high in the atmosphere.

THEY really don't want us to know they are here. That THEY have returned.