Further Reading

Sunday 29 September 2019

The Reason For the Artificial Sun Array???

These two strange and unknown objects were photographed around the sun back in 2004. There is clearly a bright orb tinged with green, and a rather strange blue 'construct' in both of these images. What are these objects?  Is one a planet, part of a planetary system that has come into our part of the galaxy??? And is the blue construct some kind of space ship or artificial satellite?

There will be no answers provided by NASA, or the Deep State, as they will not want any of the common people of earth knowing about these objects. We can only speculate that the myth of Nibiru is fact, and that it is now crossing our path. The chances of sighting Nibiru, the construct and other objects that travel with Nibiru, would be greatly increased without any intervention by the Deep State.

This is why we suspect that the Sync Sun is now in place; that chemtrails are blasted into the atmosphere by sounding rockets. Why the fable of chemtrails has been invented to provide a conspiracy to explain what is currently in the skies. It may well be also that this plasma planet is effecting the climate and creating seismic issues on the planet.

We don't deny the strong possibility that there are intentional agents in chemtrails to fall down on mankind, to aid with other agendas. There is weather modification being undertaken too. But how much of these agendas are to counteract the effects of Nibiru, and to hide the fact it is here???

We are also aware that the story of Nibiru also describes the inhabitants of Nibiru as the Anunnaki, who are supposedly described by the Sumerians as the creators of mankind. If this is true, then the terraforming of this earth plane may well be to facilitate an environment the Anunnaki can abide so they can return.

So much is speculation. So much is supposition. However, the green planetary body and the blue construct in this image illustrate what is here in our reality. Remember these images were captured 15 years ago ... what has happen in those 15 years that we dson't know about???