Further Reading

Thursday 3 October 2019

5 Facts About Climate Change Shared by an Actual Climate Scientist

[Humans are Free]: We are by no means “climate change deniers.” The climate has always changed, and will continue to change over time due to multiple factors and natural processes.

But there is something fishy going on, and the undeniable fact still remains that most mainstream science is plagued with economic and political agendas, and is used to push policy and global elitist agendas.

We must stop destroying our environment, polluting and not taking care of it. The problem is people have made exposing globalist agendas synonymous with denying climate change, and this can’t be further from the truth.

It’s similar to the current vaccine controversy, in the sense that scientists who question the science put out by computer models, which is used to justify various policy decisions, are ridiculed by the mainstream.

It’s claimed that “97 percent of scientists” agree on the current climate change narrative, but there seems to be no hard evidence to back up that statement, and with so many of the world’s top scientists in the field speaking up against “climate alarmism,” sometimes it seems to be the other way around.

Ivar Giaever, a Norwegian-American physicist who shared the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1973, compares current climate science to pseudoscience.

The “97 percent” tagline is often used to demonize those who question anthropogenic induced climate change, and the mainstream media will do their best to make those who question it, no matter their background, credentials, or credibility, look foolish.

Historical Climatologist Dr. Tim Ball On 97% Consensus: “Completely False And Was Deliberately Manufactured”

Hundreds of the world’s most reputable scientists are and have been speaking out about this politicization of climate science for many years, and a similar trend has emerged across the sciences, particularly in medicine. “Peer-reviewed” science was monopolized long ago, and is now plagued with falsities.

“The case against science is straightforward: much of the scientific literature, perhaps half, may simply be untrue. . . . Science has taken a turn towards darkness.”
– Dr. Richard Horton

 These “skeptical scientists,” as they are commonly referred to, are often made to look like complete quacks by mainstream media, all for the purpose of making it seem ridiculous, stupid, and downright outrageous to question the mainstream narrative of climate change....<<>>...