Further Reading

Thursday 17 October 2019

'Brexit - Leave on 31st With The Deal or Leave with No Deal' - The Light Of Truth Oracle Insight

OK, so a divorce agreement has been agreed between the UK and the E.U, but with increasing opposition to be faced on Saturday from the House Of Traitors (Commons) ... will this deal be what the UK leaves with, or is there another twist?

A No Deal option is only a reality if no extension is voted for in the EU council tonight ... to prevent a NO Deal being met with the traitors going for another extension ...

REBIRTH has the Magick Glyph known as 'Earned Success' and has the affirmation of  “Step out now into the world you have created. See with new perceptions the reality you now have to explore”.

Its insight meaning is “After sweat & toil your life is no longer the same as it was. It seems really to be all worth it in the end. So, this won‟t be the happy ever after, it is still a vast improvement on where you were before. Consider yourself re-born. A second chance is presented provided you learn from your experiences that are now behind you. This is an important phase in your life.”

HERITAGE has the Magick Glyph known as 'Deep Past' and the affirmation of  “ I am the constant link to all who have gone before you. I represent experiences that shape & bind you

Its insight meaning is ' Where you stand, and what you seek is sacred testament to all that has gone before you. The very soil on which you now stand contains all that there ever has been … and all that there ever will be. It carries the memories of all those who have taken the same steps of you. Remember all the answers already lie within you. Seek your inner voice for your inspiration.'

THE SHADOW has the Magick Glyph of 'Probation' and the affirmation of “I tempt you with all the aspects of self; I question your identity at all times. For that is me

Its insight meaning is “Beside you stands your shadow with its whispers of doubt, indecision and temptation. Do not dismiss this critique so readily … but view it as a necessary part at this time. For it represents the time for needful contemplation. Defer from any decision making at this time until you at least review what your shadow self has to say to you . It could be revealing important parts of self so far overlooked.”

In summary there are enough clues in these insight cards to strongly suggest that the U.K DOES leave on 31st October 2019. The Shadow represents the House of Traitors and its attempts to whisper doubt, indecision and the like into the mix. Heritage and Rebirth relate the success Boris Johnson & his team have earned in this situation and the chance for the UK to be the UK again (Heritage, Deep Past).

Its too hard to determine if its a deal or a no deal scenario that takes the U.K over the line.