Further Reading

Saturday 26 October 2019

Democrats pushing to criminalize words they don’t like, while ignoring all the slurs they unleash against Trump supporters

[Natural News]: Humans have characteristics that make it nearly impossible to ‘reach them’ — that is, change their minds about things in which they fervently believe — even with hard, cold facts.

It’s the way we’re wired. We can’t help ourselves.

Not to offend anyone, but that’s how religions spread: People believe in it with all their hearts and souls, and no matter what evidence someone offers to disprove the underlying religions tenets and theories, we refuse to accept them.

Politics captures the heart and soul in exactly the same way. Very infrequently can minds be changed when it comes to political beliefs, even in the face of hard, cold evidence.

But we try nonetheless because it’s our country; it’s worth the effort.

With that in mind, people who continue to support the Democrat Party and their media are supporting a political ideology that does not differ much from old school Communism and Marxism these days. Democratic politics are every bit as unflinching, hypocritical, and authoritarian, as evidenced by new legislation being considered in deep blue Massachusetts...<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...