Further Reading

Wednesday 2 October 2019

More UN Claims of Impending Climate Doom

[Natural News]: In late September, The Weather Channel website published an article about the latest IPCC report entitled The Ocean And Cryosphere In A Changing Climate. This report was released by the UN on September 24th, and claimed climate change is accelerating, which will create conditions even more catastrophic than had been thought.

The IPCC report said oceans are becoming more acidic and polar regions are losing ice ever faster, resulting in accelerated sea-level rise. In typical IPCC fashion, the report claims to be ‘conservative’, and that sea-level rise may well be twice what is predicted. Also predicted was the death of coral reefs.

Ocean Acidification is one of those things that makes my blood boil. The public are actually being told the oceans are an acid, and going by some of the comments I’ve seen and heard, they are believing it. To me this beggars belief, so let’s be quite clear, the oceans are NOT acidic, they are an alkaline.

The oceans have a Ph of between 7.9 and 8.3, which makes them well into the range of alkalinity. Neutral Ph is 7, so only below 7 does water become acidic. If the oceans warm, they absorb less CO2 and they become slightly less alkaline, but at no time do they become acidic. Below is the pH scale. 0 – 6.9 are the acids, 7 is pH neutral, 7.1 – 12 are the alkalines.

Seawater is quite clearly an alkaline, and it should be noticed that ‘normal’ rain is slightly acidic; with a pH of 6, and some soils are quite strongly acidic, with a pH of 4, as are many of the foods we eat. Climate alarmists’ computer models have predicted a reduction in the Pacific pH to 7.8 by 2100, but the ocean around Peru is already at 7.7, and the population of anchovies fished there for us to eat is thriving...Read The Full Article Here>>>...