Further Reading

Sunday 20 October 2019

Ninety-five percent of climate software models have turned out to be flat wrong … but the alarmism continues, despite all the failed projections

[Natural News]: Three decades ago, 197 countries from across the globe signed the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer, after scientists discovered that chemicals known as chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) were causing the ozone layer to get thinner. Studies had determined that CFCs commonly used in fire retardants, aerosol cans and refrigerators were to blame for the ozone crisis.

The treaty worked, and in 2016 scientists announced that the ozone layer was healing, after the gradual global phase out of 98 percent of all ozone-depleting substances.

World leaders saw the scientifically sound evidence of a looming disaster, acted together, and prevented that disaster.

More recently, the media and certain scientists have tried to push for similar global cooperation to avert what they call the global warming crisis. Once again, they insist that there is sound scientific evidence of a pending disaster, and that it can only be averted if world leaders act quickly and in unison to prevent it.

But there is a difference: This time the scientific evidence is not sound. In fact, 95 percent of climate software models have been proved to be inaccurate. Yet, despite this complete lack of scientific evidence of any pending disaster we all continue to buy into the global warming hysteria, perhaps because many of us remember how world leaders were able to avert the ozone layer disaster?

This time there is no sound scientific reason to buy into the hype, however, and it is important to consider that there may be other reasons why global warming panic is being spread by the media and world governments...<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...