Further Reading

Monday 28 October 2019

We are Their Drive Through KFC; Fear Is On The Menu!

As we approach 2020, this virtual world can be seen to be getting crazier and crazier. The globalist's agenda for mass genocide and 5G aided total surveillance of mankind, races at full tilt towards its conclusion.

Seemingly they will succeed in their insane quest to totally rule this planet; totally terraform it into a format suitable for the hordes of crazy monsters they intend to be the new inhabitants of this virtual world.

They have set up a really insane visual of much smoke and many mirrors; plenty of side shows to distract human kind from what is really going on.

It's all in full swing; and mankind is slowly being turned into mindless zombies obsessed with the mind controlling technology the globalists are rolling out.

We ended 2018 with tales of woe for the future; we warned that by the end of 2020 this world would be a hellhole; and back then we thought it was bad, but by the end of 2020 it will be a whole lot worse. And right through swiftly moving 2019 it has all been brought to the surface. We could list the insane happenings that have taken place through 2020, but they are perfectly obvious to anyone reading this, who are open minded and awakened.

The globalists have technology, yes, that is hundreds of years ahead of what we currently see. They have advanced A.I 'creatures' ready to be rolled out, and have for many decades. They have blue beam technology that has taken over our skies and a fake sun arrays to hide our sun. They geo-engineer our weather. Its all out there in the open. Why? Clearly, they are hiding what is out there, and more importantly who is out there. We've encountered these 'fuckers' before and they have learnt to get their minions to do their dirty work, before making their entry onto a world.

Remember ... all of this is playing out like a MOVIE SCRIPT. It is all programmed into this fake reality. Its all illusion. It all relies on your thoughts, and your perceptions to take place. We are collectively creating this hell on earth; our so called freewill has been hijacked and we are creating pathways and thought forms these mad bullies need.

They need us all to fear what is taking place on earth; they need us all to be fearful in our lives; fearful of what we face. They need our fear! To them we are a drive through KFC; and fear is on the menu ...

If we cease caring or fearing what is happening and treat it like a game of Grand Theft Auto or some other VR game (I'm not into VR gaming and unaware of game names!) then we no longer provide them a reliable food source. Remember it is the plundering of our over soul or akashic collective which is taking place. All of this on the physical is an effect of what is occurring on other leves. And on that level, there is a real fist fight taking place between our akashic cloud and another akashic like cloud wishing to intrude on this gaming space. That is the best way to explain it ...  {to be continued}