Further Reading

Tuesday 22 October 2019

'What Can We Anticipate To Happen By The End Of Today With Regard To The Brexit W.A.B?' - The Light Of Truth Oracle Insight

It's potentially crunch time with the vote for the 2nd reading of the Brexit W.A.B being voted on later today.

Will the bill's legislative programme go ahead ... or will it be withdrawn due to those opposing it voting against it?

PROGRESSION is 'The Leap In Faith' and relates to having faith in yourself at all time. It has an Insight Meaning which includes analysing what aspect of life has been a trigger point, and learning to go with the flow to watch life evolve.

INITIATION is 'I am I' and has the affirmation 'I start as I am at the beginning of my journey. I am the initiate and my life spans before me'. It's insight meaning is 'Close to where I stand is the door way that leads to that which I am, that which I have always been … and that which I always will be. Ahead of me are the twists and turns of experiences I require to recover the truth of who I am … before I stumbled into this world of man. I am prepared for all the experiences which lie ahead of me.'

EPITAPH is 'The Inevitable' and has the affimation of 'THIS ACCEPTANCE brings a new sense of purpose in your daily life.'  It's insight meaning, in part,  'It's time to face your fears. To stare those phantasms directly in the face.'

Surely not? The W.A.B to leave the E.U finally going through? Surely not? But with what amendments if it is to?