Further Reading

Friday 18 October 2019

'Will Boris Johnson Get The Required Votes Tomorrow? - The Light Of Truth Oracle Insight

With 'Super Saturday' in the House Of Commons commencing in 12 hours time, and rumours of a 'Letwin Amendment' potentially threatening to run amok, what is the likely outcome tomorrow?

Will Boris Johnson get the required 320 MP votes? And, what then?

DECEPTION has the obvious indication with its name; its Magick Glyph has the name 'Lord of Hosts' and the affirmation 'Not everything that is seen or done or said is what it appears. Some efforts are made unstable by trying too hard to deceive' and the Insight Meaning 'All is not what is appears to be. Taking things on face value does little to dislodge the disguise which has been placed by those who are trying to deceive. Look closer, see through the glamour of distraction to see the true picture. Someone has gone out of their way to create a subterfuge . How you deal with the discovery is your karma.'

Indications here are of a subterfuge and a glamour. All is not what it seems. But who? And what?

UNCERTAINTY has the Magick Glyph 'Severity' which has the affirmation ' Make me, break me and remake me. Remould me into what I am from what I am not'. Its Insight Meaning is 'There are clear indications that life is no longer how it was. You still look at the world based on the cognitive processes of the old way of thinking. This makes for a great degree of uncertainty and indecisiveness. It is clearly time to embrace the world which your new cognitive processes require you to see. It's time to react differently to things'.

 Seeing the world based on the old way of thinking? Time to embrace the world which your new thought processes require you to see? Discussions on the deal? And the UK out of the E.U? Who still needs to be convinced?

INSIGHTS is equivalent to the High Priestess in the tarot and has the Magick Glyph of 'Blessing'; the affirmation is 'I am the uniting intelligence. I let you see that which others cannot see. I help you to understand'.

Stop right there! Blessing? I am the uniting intelligence. I help you to understand. Uniting?

Its Insight Meaning is 'It's time to move out of your comfort zone and rely on your intuition more. Disregard the restraints of the logical mind and the Inner Critic. Your psychic senses can be accessed by simply switching off the left hand brain‟s survival mode. Permit your inner voice to be heard over the constant din that fills your mind with its demands. It's time to listen to your intuitive side'.

 Not much relevance in this meaning, but the affirmation is very insightful.

Okay, in summary, there is something not quite what it seems going on here? Either something the remainers know nothing about that can sway the situation; or its a different scenario than the general public are being led to believe. Either way ... something significant occurs tomorrow, hopefully in favour of the Brexit conclusion.

Surely, it's either Deal, Deal with a delay or No Deal? Remain is out of the equation, right?