Further Reading

Friday 29 November 2019

Attacking The Source: The Establishment Loyalist’s Favorite Online Tactic

[David Icke]: If you’re skeptical of western power structures and you’ve ever engaged in online political debate for any length of time, the following has definitely happened to you:

You find yourself going back and forth with one of those high-confidence, low-information establishment types who’s promulgating a dubious mainstream narrative, whether that be about politics, war, Julian Assange, or whatever.

At some point they make an assertion which you know to be false — publicly available information invalidates the claim they’re making.

“I’ve got them now!” you think to yourself, if you’re new to this sort of thing. Then you share a link to an article or video which makes a well-sourced, independently verifiable case for the point you are trying to make.

Then, the inevitable happens.

“LMAO! That outlet!” they scoff in response. “That outlet is propaganda/fake news/conspiracy theory trash!”

Or something to that effect...<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...