Further Reading

Thursday 28 November 2019

Big Tech is now banning ALL “unauthorized comments” about vaccines, including vaccine ingredients, side effects, autism, etc. – censorship is about way more than just politics!

[Natural News]: It is fast becoming a digital “crime” to even just comment on social media with opinions that the Big Tech “deep state” says are “inaccurate” or “offensive.”

Whether it is honest expressions of skepticism about vaccine safety or basic questions about the biological inconsistencies of transgenderism, Big Tech corporations want these and other “politically incorrect” responses to vanish from their platforms because of the “damage” they’re causing to the globalist narrative.

Expressing opposition to posted articles on Facebook or tweets on Twitter about the “benefits” of vaccination, for instance, now have the very real potential to land you in online “prison.” Even just responding with images of or links to vaccine package inserts, which detail the many deadly side effects of vaccines, is now regarded as “fake news” by the tech overlords, and worthy of punishment.

Right this very moment, the tech cabal – this includes Google, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Vimeo, Amazon, and Apple – is developing new ways to axe users from their platforms for saying pretty much anything that defies what the government claims is true or not true – because the government is “god,” in case you didn’t know.

De-platforming is the quickest and easiest way for these tech giants to silence the types of free speech they abhor, including all criticisms of genetically modified organisms (GMOs), 5G wireless technology, endless war in the Middle East, the LGBTQP agenda – P stands for pedophiles – and many other hot-button issues in the news today...<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...