Further Reading

Sunday 17 November 2019

How are doctors supposed to treat a patient’s biology when transgender activists now claim biology doesn’t exist?

[Natural News]: In case you haven’t noticed, biology and science are rapidly becoming obsolete. As the transgender lobby works feverishly to erase concepts like male and female, many of the institutions that have long functioned as bedrocks of our society are starting to unravel, including the field of medicine.

Treating patients is becoming a minefield for doctors who are now having to carefully tiptoe on eggshells so as not to “offend” patients with gender dysphoria. Simply doing one’s job as a physician is growing more impossible by the day as LGBTQPs demand that the entire world cater to their delusions.

Back in the spring, as one prominent example, an unborn child needlessly died after the child’s mother, a transgender “male,” failed to inform hospital staff of her true biology.

Because she had been persuaded into believing that she was actually a “man,” this 32-year-old lied to hospital staff, claimed that her water breaking was actually urine, and by the time everyone figured out what was going on it was already too late...<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...