Further Reading

Thursday 21 November 2019

Seeing Beyond The Bend In The Road

I would rather be there, than here. For here is the mundane, the conventional and the place resided in to pay the bills, and keep the roof over our heads. There, is where we once were, and the place where my heart still truly resides.

It was great to be back, even for a short time. It gave me chance to dream again; to get up into the hills and escape this version of man. In the hills, the chance arrives to be at one with nature, and to listen to the voices of the ancestors.

To taste the sorrow of all the mistakes that brought us to this point on mortal time. A chance to realise all the wrong turnings that lead our collective to this place.

Nothing can ever be changed. No clock can be put back to turn back time, and get the chance to make different decisions. For, in truth, all the same decisions would be made again, for the conscience is set to always take those choices.

And, it is great to think back, and go with the 'might have beens' to imagine what those other choices would have felt like. Maybe, they would have changed things; but maybe not. It is like that here, thinking of what can best be described as all the regrets; those failings that make us what we are; the weaknesses we all carry; but do our best to hide.

So, now that I've returned back to here, from there, and I have new memories to cherish, I realise how much life is different now. We all are anticipating the worst, for that is in our nature. We live with fear, each and every day. It is the way we are wired. But for some of us, it is not the same. For we know different. We've seen beyond the bend in the road; faced the unknown on the other side of the mirror. We really should know better; and we do. We sense the doom and gloom in the collective; as part of that 'cloud', but we also sense something more ... and it is that something more that sets us aside from what we may look like on the outside. Something has changed. But, for now ... we refuse to divulge what that something is ...