Further Reading

Sunday 17 November 2019

The rule of law has collapsed in America, a nation where the guilty go free while the innocent are persecuted and silenced

[Natural News]: The rule of law has collapsed in America, and no one is safe from the hate-filled left-wing mob that now openly seeks to criminalize all political opposition.

If you oppose the Democrats, you will eventually be targeted by the IRS, arrested by the Feds in a midnight raid that’s coordinated with CNN, de-platformed from all the major tech platforms, smeared on Wikipedia with an onslaught of fabricated lies, demonized by the fake news media with coordinated hit pieces and harassed in public by violent, drooling left-wing mobs that are triggered into rage by the very sight of the American flag or a MAGA hat.

The juries in left-wing cities will never find a violent Leftists guilty, nor a conservative patriot innocent. A jury in San Francisco, for example, set an illegal alien free after he shot and killed an American woman in an obvious case of manslaughter, if not homicide. But he was set free because San Francisco is a “sanctuary” city, which means the people who run that collapsing sh#thole of feces and filth have decided to ignore all the laws they don’t like.

And this is how things are now progressing — if you can call it that — all across the country, where the rule of law is abandoned at will, replaced by a raging, anti-American, anti-Trump, anti-freedom tyranny of the left-wing majority mob...<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...