Further Reading

Tuesday 31 December 2019

2020AD Is Upon Us. Oh Dear

2020AD is upon us. Oh dear. Without sounding the doom and gloom drum, 2020 is a worry. A great sorrow pervades the earth plane.

Crazy psychopaths obsessed with numbers are itching to press their buttons and feast off human suffering devoid of conscience and truly lacking in any empathy for fellow human beings they will inflict obscene things in this new decade.

Sorry to burst the bubble anyone has regarding 2020; the lead balloon (Or the CO2 balloon; which ever you choose) is going to sink to earth this year.

We wish we had happy tidings to report here; like supernatural races rushing to assist mankind, or a helpful alien race coming to our aid ... but we don't. We are on our own on an alien world ... virtually blind to what is really around us. Fed constant lies by psychopaths and narcissists who've claimed ownership of this world and us. We have little or no idea of what we are; or what is really going on.

As energy forms forced to recycle back into this dangerous place ... we are powerless in our current states of mind. Brainwashed and lobotomised by technological weapons; preparing to permit a military weapon to become our next technological obsession. Permitting a world wide grid of death rays to constantly bombard us FOREVER.

Something has to give IF we hope to all make it through this next decade. The climate change and overpopulation CONS are brainwashing humans into becoming brainless chickens wanting to be taken to the slaughter house ... and hardly anyone sees it because they have been brainwashed completely.

It may already be too late. 2020 is when we all find out for sure. The crazy elitists and their A.I creations plus their non-human masters will skulk in the shadows no longer. They sense victory so are now fearless. Their agendas will come out much more in the next 12 months ... as the trap is pulled.
