Further Reading

Tuesday 31 December 2019

A Risky Business?

Mediumship demonstrations, paranormal investigations and communication with other dimensions as an intuitive & sensitive. All these activities used to be a regular way of life all the way through the 1990's, through the early 21st century until early 2018.

But now they are currently a thing of the past. Something is not right any more, to undertake such dangerous and risky practices. All the way through this period, everything was blind faith, and undertaken blindly. Connections were assumed to be with who entities claimed they were.

Exchanged information was accurate and a high percentage of predictions given by these unseen entities proved to be correct. But then ... a realisation dawned, what if these entities were somehow confidence tricksters? Clever manipulators who were somehow masquerading as departed humans; and were able to access the akashic records of human experiences?

What was taken to be safe and a treasured gift to work with ... was suddenly discarded like an unwanted toy. And the practices are rarely undertaken now. They still are pursued, but in a much more guarded fashion - Matthew James